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Anthony Goode
Instructor Anthony Goode
Product Id 601368
Duration 60 Minutes
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Original Price $295
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The National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy- Changing the playing field for shipbuilding in Canada


National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy is a fundamental shift in the way that the Federal Government in Canada procures major ships for the Navy and the Coast Guard. Shipbuilding policy has been in a state of flux for many years as has ship procurement with many prolonged and in some cases failed procurements.

A new approach was required as both the Naval and Coast Guard fleets were in desperate need of replacement. An interdepartmental task force developed the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy as a way of addressing the need for a new policy. The new policy was adopted by the government and launched in 2010. Since then, the NSPS is in the process of being implemented with a number of contracts being let for a number of specific projects now underway

Why should you Attend:Apart from the United States, the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy is the largest military shipbuilding program underway in the Western world today. It is estimated that the Government spend more than $40 billion on these projects over the next 25 years providing opportunities for Canadian and foreign suppliers. You need to understand the program so that your company can take advantage of these opportunities, particularly since Canadian supply chains have atrophied over the past twenty years.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • NSPS Background
  • National Shipbuilding Policy in Canada
  • Navy Requirements
  • Coast Guard Requirements
  • Ship procurement issues in Canada
  • Towards a new policy
  • National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy- Outcomes
  • NSPS Process
  • NSPS Requirements for shipyards
  • Current status of the program
  • Future of the program

Who Will Benefit:
  • Vice Presidents of Business Development
  • Directors of Sale and Marketing
  • Directors of Supply Chain Management
  • Project Managers

Speaker Profile
Anthony Goode After 30 years of commissioned service in the Canadian Navy, during which he commanded HMC Ships THUNDER, CHIGNECTO, SAGUENAY and ALGONQUIN, as well as Training Group Pacific, Fourth Destroyer Squadron and Royal Roads Military College, Tony Goode retired as the CF Naval Attache at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC in 1996 to join Litton Systems Canada (now L-3 Electronic Systems) as the Program Manager for the Tribal Class Update and Modernization Program (TRUMP). As that program wound down, Tony assumed responsibilities for program management of the CP 140 Mission Systems Avionics Engineering and In Service Support program and other related contracts.

Moving from Toronto to L-3's Halifax facility in late 1997, he assumed responsibility for starting up the Vehicle Electronics manufacturing program for the Canadian Army's Light Armoured Vehicle program. With the then General Motors Defence as the main customer, vehicle electronics developed one of the largest programs at the Halifax facility. It expanded even further with award of a contract from the GMD/GDLS joint venture for the US Army's Stryker Vehicle program to build all of the vehicle electronics for over 2000 vehicles.

In 2003, Capt Goode moved from Program Management to Business Development and was appointed Director of Business Development for L-3 Electronic Systems. He retired from L-3 in 2006 to join CFN Consultants Atlantic in their Aerospace and Defence consulting practice. In addition, he is currently the VP for Business Development for the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Nova Scotia. He belongs to the Naval Officers Association, NS Branch and is an active Rotarian. Tony is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada and the National Defence College of Canada.

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