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Roy E Costa
Instructor Roy E Costa
Product Id 600034
Duration 90 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
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Product Identification and Traceability


This webinar will provide valuable assistance to all companies that need to develop and implement Product Traceability Systems. including companies in the produce, meat, and processed food fields.

Product Traceability is far more than simply the ability of a manufacturer to trace a product from its source to its ultimate destination. Effective Product Traceability systems give the manufacturer the ability to trace product through all of its processing procedures usually by the use of a lot number. Product traceability systems are generally implemented by a company to provide a window into what happened to the products from Receival to Dispatch. The Product Traceability system can then be used to provide customers with processing data for the compliance to set procedures and policies and in turn to provide the Customer with confidence in the integrity of your products..Product Traceability systems are an invaluable tool in the event that a Product Recall or Product Withdrawal becomes necessary.The ability to quickly identify the source of Raw Materials, locate and review process data and the ability to locate and notify recipients enables rapid recall of suspect products and proper investigation of the root cause of the problem and assignment of responsibility.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Regulatory provisions in regard to Product Traceability Systems.
  • Buyer driven Product Traceability requirements.
  • Time is critical.
  • Trace back to raw materials. (Supplier and Inventory management)
  • The Production Process - What happened between when we received the Materials and when we Dispatched them. Who received them, How were they stored before use, Who processed them, Who inspected them, What tools were used, What were the processing requirements, Were they followed?, What were the machinery configurations, and when was the lot produced.
  • Forward Traceability (The distribution chain)
  • The cost of a recall - Product - Retrieval - Disposal - Reputation - Customer Confidence
  • Testing the Product Traceability System - Mock Recall

Who Will Benefit: The employees who will benefit include:
  • Senior Management
  • Quality Assurance personnel who must develop and implement Product Traceability Systems.
  • Members of the Distribution chain.
  • Auditors and those with food safety inspection roles
  • Regulatory personnel
  • Consultants
  • Quality system auditors

Speaker Profile
Mr. Costa is a professor at the Walt Disney World Center for Hospitality and the Culinary Arts at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida and is the founder and owner of the consulting firm Environ Health Associates, Inc. Mr. Costa is a registered professional sanitarian with 30 years of environmental heath practice in the academic, government and private sectors. Mr. Costa is an educator and food safety trainer with International experience in a number of countries. Mr. Costa specializes in the epidemiology and prevention of environmentally transmitted disease and is the creator of four on-line food safety courses and numerous training programs. Mr. Costa has direct working experience at virtually all levels of the food system, from consumer education programs, to programs to educate and audit farmers. Mr. Costa is one of the few "farm to fork" food safety experts. Mr. Costa presents at national and international food safety conferences and provides educational programs to public agencies in the US and many parts of the world. Mr. Costa provides expert legal testimony in foodborne litigation cases including salmonella infection due to ConAgra Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Banquet Pot Pies and E coli O157:H7infection due to Dole Spinach. Mr. Costa develops, delivers and manages HACCP-based food safety auditing programs and is responsible for developing and marketing new technology in partnership with several firms. Mr. Costa maintains auditor and consultant credentials with national auditing firms. Mr. Costa is a graduate of the University of Arizona (B.S. Fisheries Biology/ Minor Chemistry) and the Florida Institute of Technology (M.S. Health Services Management/MBA) and has completed the core Masters In Public Health curriculum at the University of South Florida; College of Public Health.

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