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Norman G. Marriott
Instructor Norman G. Marriott
Product Id 601437
Duration 60 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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Pest Control in Food Processing and Foodservice


Effective sanitation in the food industry involves the maintenance of clean conditions in the entire food operation including the control of pests such as cockroaches, houseflies, rats, mice, and birds. This status is attained through the prevention of pest entry and eradication of those that infiltrate food establishments.

As the food processing and foodservice industry have grown, methods of food production, processing, distribution, and preparation have changed. Increased processing and food preparation have included more prepackaged food as partially or fully prepared bulk or pre-portioned servings and centralized food production. Unless a pest control program is established, these establishments are vulnerable to the invasion of pests common to food production or processing areas.

As food production, handling, and preparation techniques and eating habits change, food establishments remain a likely location for pests. The pests mentioned are viable sources for microorganisms that cause illness. The food establishment surroundings without effective preventive measures can attract pests that act as vectors of disease and contamination. As handling and modern processing methods increase the journey from production to consumption, the possibility of contamination through pests is increased. These pests harbor microorganisms that cause foodborne illness. Effective pest control practices are essential to protect consumers from unsanitary food that can cause foodborne illness and economic losses to the food industry. This material will be discussed during the webinar.

Why should you Attend: Food processing and foodservice personnel should attend this event because more knowledge about pest control is essential to ensure a safe food supply for consumers. Educational information about how sanitary conditions for food establishments can be improved will enhance the reputation, protect against foodborne illness, and increase sales and net profits of food establishments. Morale of employees through recognition of the importance of additional training can be accomplished, which will improve employee performance and customer satisfaction.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Sanitary facility design
  • Description of pests found in food establishments
  • Pest prevention techniques
  • Pest eradication techniques

Who Will Benefit:
  • Foodservice Managers
  • Food Processing Supervisors
  • Workers
  • Food Business Owners
  • Food Safety Professionals

Speaker Profile
Dr. Norman, Food Scientist Professor Emeritus and food Industry Consultant has 38 years’ of experience in the food industry. He is teaching university courses related to sanitation and food science, especially meat science.

Dr. Norman is the author of four books, four book modules or chapters, and over 650 technical or industry-related manuals, papers, or bulletins. He has served as an editor for 14 years of a technical journal also as an editorial board member of two technical journals and as a guest reviewer for four technical journals.

His expertise includes over 100 short course presentations, 200+ technical or industry presentations, eight profession-related achievement or service awards, various professional and industry related leadership positions and various consulting assignments over the past 38 years.

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