Bernard Markstein
Instructor Bernard Markstein
Product Id 601430
Duration 60 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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Outlook for Single-Family Housing


This webinar will cover the major issues facing housing with an emphasis on single-family new residential construction. Coverage will include discussion regarding the preference for owning vs. renting, availability of credit for residential purchases by the consumer and for developers, and availability of labor for residential construction.

Why should you Attend: During and following the Great Recession there were significant shifts in the housing market. The residual damage from the aftermath of the crisis was both structural and cultural in nature. Challenges remain as the housing market continues to evolve. The issues include availability of credit, the impact of student debt on housing-related choices, the availability of skilled labor for residential construction, and the impact of stagnant wage growth on household formation and home buyers. This session will explore the implications of these and related issues on the outlook for residential construction, with the focus largely on the single-family market, and consequently for the economy and your company.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Overview of the U.S. economy
  • Implications for residential building construction from:
    • Employment growth
    • Energy prices
    • Inflation
    • Credit availability
    • Federal Reserve tightening
    • Skilled labor shortages
  • Outlook for single-family construction

Who Will Benefit:
  • AVP, VP, SVP
  • Developers
  • Bankers
  • Mortgage Lenders
  • Building Materials Suppliers
  • Architectural Firms

Speaker Profile
Bernard Markstein is an economic consultant who provides analysis and forecasts of the national economy and construction activity as well as tracking developments in building materials prices. Dr. Markstein is an accomplished speaker who is frequently quoted in the national press and in trade publications and also has been interviewed for both radio and TV, including Bloomberg TV and Nightly Business Report on PBS. Prior to being an economic consultant, Dr. Markstein was U.S. Chief Economist for Reed Construction Data (now CMD) where he followed and forecasted commercial construction activity. Before that, Dr. Markstein was Senior Economist and Vice President, Economic Forecasting and Analysis, for the National Association of Home Builders, providing analysis on national and regional housing issues, developments and trends in the multifamily housing market, and the forces affecting building materials prices.

Dr. Markstein received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from Brown University and a Doctorate in Economics from Yale University.

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