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Dr. Joni E. Johnston
Instructor Dr. Joni E. Johnston
Product Id 601538
Duration 90 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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Managing Employee Behavior Problems


Every manager encounters employees who cross the line into unacceptable behavior. Maybe they tell off-color jokes. Spread gossip. Act like slobs. Practice poor personal hygiene. Ridicule core organizational values. Or violate company rules and policies.

Lots of managers don't have the toolkit to confront dysfunctional employees so they practice avoidance, which erodes morale and - worst of all - destroys their own credibility. Great managers recognize that putting a stop to unacceptable behavior requires a complex mix of communication skills, persuasion, intuition, toughness and credibility. They know how to probe for the reasons behind the behavior, anticipate reactions, manage expectations, seek alignment, set boundaries and hold people accountable. When bosses learn how to confront employees effectively, they create a culture where lines are clearly drawn, and bad behavior is instantly recognized by all as unacceptable. In this 90-minute webinar.

Areas Covered In the Seminar:

  • How to spot and stop problematic behavior early – before it takes firm root in your workplace
  • The most common behavior-, conduct-, and appearance-related issues managers should be able to identify and prepared to address
  • The key areas to focus your time and attention to prevent bad behavior from permeating your workplace in the first place
  • Strategies for getting to the bottom of the negative attitude or conduct – and why this is so important
  • How to communicate effectively - and constructively - with the offender, including how to provide candid feedback without fueling his or her contempt
  • How to use positive reinforcement to get naysayers on board with the rest of the team
  • The difference between counseling and disciplining, and how to tell which is appropriate for the circumstances presented
  • How to engage in difficult conversations, whether the employee is a rampant gossiper, a chronic complainer, an inappropriate dresser, or another type of behavior/conduct offender
  • The importance of progressive discipline, and why it's important to explain the consequences the employee may face if he or she fails to make an attitude adjustment
  • How to know when it's time to fire a "bad apple" employee – and how to go about it to reduce your risks of a lawsuit
Who will benefit:
  • Chief Human Resource Officers
  • Senior Management Team
  • HR Managers, Directors, and Administrators
  • Supervisors
  • Employment Managers
  • Training Director

Speaker Profile
Dr. Joni Johnston is a licensed clinical/forensic psychologist, private investigator, and CEO of WorkRelationships, an employee relations consulting firm. Since 1991, she has conducted hundreds of workshops and trained thousands of managers and HR professionals on how to deal with employee conduct issues - from dress code violations to offensive behavior investigations to workplace violence.

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