Health care organizations are making dramatic changes to how they align with, utilize and compensate advanced practice providers (APPs). This webinar will help you keep pace with these changes in a fast-moving marketplace. Health care organizations will need innovative strategies to recruit, retain and engage this workforce. APPs will also need the skills to evaluate their employment and independent contractor arrangements too.
Burnout at all levels of the health care work force (e.g., providers, nurses, executives), along with demographic changes are creating an imbalance of supply and demand for labor, which is driving up labor costs. For example, some estimates show there will be nearly 200,000 annual nurse job openings through 2030, an indication that the challenging environment for health care workers is not temporary, but will be longer-term. The financial impact has materially impacted profitability for health care organizations. APPs will be critical to the workforce solution. The supply of APPs in the market is expected to double by 2033. In this webinar Mr. Wolfe will discuss key trends in APP staffing and compensation and how critical it will be to continue to leverage APPs and other clinical staff at the top of their licenses, with physicians engaged in the most complex care.
Why you should Attend:
During this webinar, Joe Wolfe (Hall Render) will discuss emerging trends and practices in APP contracting, compensation and compliance. He will highlight important considerations for 2023 and beyond, and will equip health care organizations with the insights necessary to develop innovative workforce strategies as the future of health care unfolds.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Key market trends and industry forces impacting the APP workforce, including the new guidance on split/shared billing
- How APP compensation design strategies and practices are evolving to help address the future of health care
- Opportunities, challenges and compliance guardrails for APP compensation programs
- Tools and tactics to properly recruit, retain and engage the APP workforce
Who Will Benefit:
- Health Care General Counsel
- Health Care Executives
- Health Care Compliance Professionals
- Finance and Physician Compensation Directors