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Carlos M. Aquino
Instructor Carlos M. Aquino
Product Id 600287
Duration 2 Hours
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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How to Survive a DEA Audit or FIND=FINE


This training entitled "How to Survive a DEA Audi or FIND=FINE" will cover all the record-keeping and security requirements that a DEA registered pharmacy must comply with when handling controlled substances and regulated chemicals.

It covers all elements of what occurs during an unannounced DEA Diversion inspection and the auditing of all controlled substances and regulated chemicals.

Why should you attend: When DEA Diversion personnel conducts an unannounced inspection of a pharmacy to perform an audit, they generally do not inform the DEA registrant on what steps will be taken during the inspection. In some cases, the pharmacist is not aware of what information they will need until they are asked by the investigators. In so many cases, the lack of record-keeping and security requirements will lead to some type of actions from an administrative violations to a civil action that may result in the pharmacy paying thousands of dollars to settle any allegation that were uncovered by DEA personnel.

This presentation will cover all the elements of a DEA inspection and all the record-keeping and security requirements that are expected during that unannounced inspection and will place you in a better situation to understand all the areas of the inspection. By following the outline, you can prepare your pharmacy for that unannounced inspection.

Areas Covered in the Session: Class participants will familiarize themselves with the federal laws and regulations pertaining to the dispensing of controlled substances in the form of a prescription. The presentation will:

  • Discuss the types of criminal and civil actions that can be imposed by a federal prosecutor’s office on a pharmacy pertaining to the purchase, sale, transfer, dispensing, destruction and theft or loss of Schedules II through V controlled substances.
  • Identify the steps taken by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and their Office of Diversion Control in enforcing federal laws and DEA regulations.
  • Discuss DEA requirements pertaining to: Biennial Inventory; Executed or Voided DEA Form 222 and Invoices; Power of Attorney; Theft and Loss; Drug Destruction; and the Storage of Prescriptions.
  • Review DEA requirements pertaining to the writing of a controlled substance prescription by a physician and the filling of that prescription by a pharmacy. This includes electronic prescriptions, a 90-day supply of a Schedule II drug, and prescriptions written for opioid dependency patients.
  • Identify DEA requirements pertaining to: Alarm Systems; Pharmacy Security; Hiring of Employees; Proper Drug Disposal; Prevention of Thefts and Losses; and other security issues.

Who Will Benefit: All pharmacist and pharmacy technicians who work in retail or hospital pharmacy setting and dispense Schedules II through V controlled substances to a patient in the form of a prescription that is written by a physician for legitimate medical reasons.

Speaker Profile
Carlos M. Aquino brings 36 years of experience of handling illicit and pharmaceutical controlled substances and regulated chemicals. His testimonial ability, both in federal and state courts, is proof of his investigative experience and skills. Carlos has 12 years of experience working for Philadelphia DEA Diversion Group, which is responsible for initiating prosecutions of those DEA registrants who violate the federal Controlled Substances Act or DEA regulations pertaining to handling these substances. This has included eight years as a Diversion Investigator and four years as a Group Supervisor. During his time at the DEA, he performed numerous regulatory inspections of manufacturers, distributors, importers/exporters, physicians, researchers, and pharmacies in order to determine their compliance with the federal laws and DEA regulations pertaining to controlled substances in Schedules II through V and regulated chemicals.

In addition to the above, Carlos has over 20 years of experience working for various law enforcement agencies including the Philadelphia Police. Carlos has a BA in Criminal Justice and has taught numerous courses during his time at the DEA.

He is skilled in interpreting the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), assisting the pharmaceutical industry with compliance, and preparing and submitting Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Forms 41, 104, 106, 222, 236, 486.

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