HACCP Validation and Verification
HACCP validation and verification is an often neglected area of the HACCP program.
HACCP elements of the Codex Alimentarius required by GFSI auditing schemes. The process by which the HACCP program is tested.
Why you should attend: GFSI audits focus on HACCP will result in an increased scrutiny of the fundamental derivations of Critical Control Points and the justification theory. Increases in the number scale and financial implications of recalls and food safety issues are escalating the importance of having a truly functional HACCP program. FDA, USDA, FSIS etc will rely increasingly on this program to ensure suppliers are meeting the responsibilities of producing products that are safe in the marketplace.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Receive resources for scientific, industry and regulatory justification.
- Protocols for testing and reporting will be shared.
- Acceptable vs questionable delivery.
- Meeting a frequent noncompliance in facility Quality Systems audits
Who Will Benefit:
- HACCP Coordinators
- HACCP Team
- Sales/Marketing
- Quality Assurance