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Drew Williamsen
Instructor Drew Williamsen
Product Id 601874
Duration 60 Minutes  
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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EMTALA - Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act Explained


In this webinar, we will look the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act and go over requirements for hospitals under the law. There is much to do for a hospital to be compliant with the law, and discuss what is and is not a violation. We will also look at investigating an EMTALA event and what is required.

Why should you attend: Many people, even individuals who work in an Emergency Department have misconceptions about EMTALA. The law is actually pretty clear as to what can and cannot happen. At the same time, a lot of liability is left up to the doctors in regards to the law. One of the goals of this webinar is to help Emergency Department administrators and staff understand and alleviate some of the liability that their physicians and hospital face. We will have a few case studies to help illustrate the point that it is real easy to violate the law, but if the proper policies and procedures are in place and followed, it is also real easy to stay within the boundaries of the law. Even with the best crafted policies and procedures, any hospital can violate the EMTALA law with just one person slipping up.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • What is EMTALA?
  • Requirements & Definitions
  • Stabilization and Transfers
  • State Operations Manual
  • Violations
  • Reporting

Who Will Benefit:
  • ED Directors
  • Nurse Managers
  • Social Workers
  • ED Physicians and Mid-levels
  • ER Staff
  • Compliance Staff
  • Administration

Speaker Profile
Drew Williamsen serves as the Privacy Officer & Compliance Investigator for University Health, a non-profit organization, with its primary location in Shreveport, Louisiana. University Health is the hospital and clinical partner to LSU Health Shreveport medical school. In this role, Mr. Williamsen oversees the privacy program at two hospitals and numerous associated clinics in Northern Louisiana. Working in the Compliance Department, Mr. Williamsen, along with Privacy, is also involved in in activities related to Fraud & Abuse, Stark, False Claims, Anti-Kickback, EMTALA, Provider Based Billing Rules, Research, and everything else related to compliance.

Mr. Williamsen has over 10 years of experience in various roles in the healthcare industry, from billing and collections, software, medical informatics and compliance. Most of which has been through working for Academic Medical Centers.

Mr. Williamsen has a Master’s of Healthcare Administration from Oklahoma State University, a Master’s Certificate of Healthcare Corporate Compliance from The George Washington University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication from The University of Utah. He is also Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) from the Healthcare Corporate Compliance Association (HCCA).

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