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Heath Suddleson
Instructor Heath Suddleson
Product Id 601478
Duration 90 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
Special Offer Price $10
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Dealing with Performance Issues


It is just a fact of life that someone on your team, whether you selected them or whether they were assigned to you will be a non-performer. This may be because they are simply not performing to the level desired or it may be an issue of time management, or even an issue of motivation.

How do you know whether to keep these team members on board or replace them? How do you know if you can help them improve their performance?

This course will help participants learn specific techniques to identify potential performance issues, and specific strategies for making sure they don't cause consistent problems with the team. Learn about the human performance issues that may be preventing your team from performing at full capacity and what you can do to change the culture to change behaviors.

These specific techniques will give early warning to performance issues so that they can be dealt with in a timely manner, avoiding delays and impacts. These techniques will also give you the means to determine why the performance issues are happening and if something can be done to prevent them in the future. You will also learn specific strategies to always make sure your team is performing fully and making progress. These strategies are proven best practices.

In addition, you will learn specific strategies to recover lost time. What do you do when you can't turn back the clock and you can't move the deadline? It's not just a matter of "working harder" because it is a resource issue. You need to either work longer hours or work more people, but how do you do this in an effective way? These strategies will help you increase your team productivity and decrease staff turnover.

Why should you Attend: Are you spending too much of your own time trying to recover for the poor performance of team members? Are you missing deadlines because others can't get their work to you on time?

Knowing how to lead your team to minimize and mitigate performance issues is not easy. It's not a skill taught in must classes. Our attitudes are the most important tool in our toolbox. It costs us nothing to purchase, if we use it well it can gain us everything, and if we use it poorly it can cost us everything. How we use it is up to us. Participants will learn how to get the most from their project team by focusing on key attitude changes.

These soft skills translate to hard dollars lost. Projects are not profitable when you have to pay twice the salary to get things done than are in the budget because your teams just are not getting the work done on time. When these delays cause your client deliverables to be late, then your clients aren't happy and that can jeopardize future work.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • How to identify potential performance issues
  • How to evaluate team member performance
  • How to create sound execution strategies
  • How to recover time lost due to performance issues

Who Will Benefit:
  • Project Managers
  • Assistant Project Managers
  • Project Directors
  • Program Managers
  • Project Executives

Speaker Profile
Heath Suddleson has more than 25 years managing projects in the design and construction industry where he has led teams in managing billions of dollars worth of projects. In these roles, Heath has served as the Contractor, the Architect/Engineer, and even represented the Owner.

He learned some of his most profound lessons by serving in volunteer leadership roles in organizations such as the American Legion, the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, and Toastmasters International. In his work with Toastmasters International, Heath served roles from local clubs through many levels in the organization, even having served from 2009-2011 on the Toastmasters International Board of Directors. Most recently, Heath worked in a corporate role for one of the world’s largest Engineering and Construction Companies developing and conducting training programs to help the next generation of Project Managers become more successful in their roles.

His bestselling book, The Attitude Check: Lessons In Leadership has become a practical field guide for leaders to harness their attitudes to increase productivity and reduce turnover in the work place. Some organizations have incorporated his book into their standard training programs. He has been featured in many publications on the topic of how to engage teams, including Engineering News Record, CFO Magazine, Bloomberg Business, and Fast Company. Heath has presented to audiences all over the world who have included Bechtel Corporation, AECOM, Skanska, The Project Management Institute, The Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, and the Construction Specifications Institute.

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