Donald Jones
Instructor Donald Jones
Product Id 601354
Duration 60 Minutes
Version Recorded
Original Price $295
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Chemical Safety for Sanitation Workers


Companies must provide effective chemical safety training for all employees including managers, supervisors, operators and temporary workers. The objective of this presentation is to equip the participants with the basic skills and knowledge to assess chemical hazards in their workplace. The participants will also be presented with basic controls for working safely with chemical detergents and sanitizers used in food processing plants.

All levels of management and workers need to understand the chemical safety information presented and be aware of the actions to be taken to avoid exposer and risk.

Why should you Attend:On August 1, 2013, President Obama signed an Executive Order on Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security. The order was designed to reduce the risk of hazardous chemicals. Most food processing facilities have controls and processes in place to ensure chemical safety and reduce risk. Tightened regulations have encouraged processing facilities to review their current programs.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Chemical Categories
  • Basic First Aid
  • Chemical Safety Guidelines
  • Color Code System
  • MSDS or SDS Sheets
  • Labels
  • Tech Sheets
  • PPE
  • Chemical Storage
  • Chemical Spills
  • Chemical Mixing

Who Will Benefit:
  • Safety Managers / Team Leaders
  • QA / QC Managers / QA Personnel
  • Sanitation Managers / Supervisors
  • Sanitation Personnel
  • Food Safety Managers / Team Leaders / Personnel
  • Maintenance Managers / Personnel
  • Production Managers / Personnel

Speaker Profile
Donald Jones is the Director of Sales for Wesmar Company, a manufacturer of Cleaning and Sanitizing Chemicals for the Food Processing Industry. He has a B.S. in EDCI from Texas A&M University. Don has 9 years of experience in food processing operations and has held management positions at Pepsi/Frito Lay, Stroh Brewery and Anheuser Bush Brewery. He has worked for 20+ years in the food plant sanitation / chemical industry servicing the food & beverage and dairy processing markets. During his 20+ years of technical work with Diversey, Great Western Chemical, Shepard Bros, DeLaval Cleaning Solutions and AquaPhoenix Scientific he has been involved with food safety programs for some of the most respected food manufacturers in the USA. Don has taught classes in Cleaning & Sanitation, Sanitizers, Chemical Safety, Chemical Testing and Basic CIP to major food manufacturers and to the following organization’s training programs: Northwest Food Processors Sanitation Workshop, University of Idaho HACCP Certification Course, Oregon State Workshops and Penn State Food Plant Sanitation Workshop.

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