Capturing the Most Powerful Market - Moms
Moms control 85% of all household spending. Moms hold the biggest influence on what brands their children will buy. Moms have strong online networks and rely on referrals from other moms. Make a mom happy and you’ve got the whole family plus all of her friends as new members.
What is your company doing to capture this crucial market segment? Learn how one company steadily increased their customer base and lowered the average age of their new customer by targeting the most influential person in the family - the mother of the household. We will also discuss other success stories from companies such as Toyota, USAA and Sauza Tequila.
Why should you Attend: Moms control 85% of all household spending. Moms hold the biggest influence on what brands their children will buy. Moms have strong online networks and rely on referrals from other moms. Make a mom happy and you’ve got the whole family plus all of her friends as new members.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Determining best target market for your company
- Using online means to reach your target market
- Case study of using a spokesperson to increase market share
Who Will Benefit:
- VP of Marketing
- Marketing Directors