Avoiding Pitfalls With Air Barriers
With the proliferation of the use of air barriers in building enclosure systems the potential for problems exists in the industry. This workshop will review the proper planning, product selection, specifications, details and field quality assurance needed for a successful air barrier installation.
The program starts with a list of steps to be taken during each phase of design and construction. Proper exterior wall design based on type of construction and proper material selection based on type of construction will then be reviewed. Details for specific wall construction type and product selection will be then be offered and reviewed. Poor detail examples will also be reviewed and discussed. Finally, quality assurance guidelines will be offered including pre-construction meetings, mock-up review and field inspection recommendations. Examples of problem installations will also be offered with explanations of the problems.
Why should you Attend: Moisture related problems in building exterior walls are the most common causes of litigation in the construction industry. Advances in building science and analysis now offer building professionals the knowledge and insight on how to design effective exterior wall assemblies that do not experience these problems. Knowing building science basics and the tools used to properly analyze exterior wall performance will lead to effective exterior walls for designers, owners and contractors.
Areas Covered in the Session: Learn how to properly integrate air barrier into the building exterior wall in a manner as to not cause problems with the wall. Case histories an common mistakes will be exhibited.
Who Will Benefit:
- Architects
- Consultants
- Building owners
- Contractors