Aligning Human Resource Strategy with Business Strategy
This webinar is designed for business owners, senior executives and HR leaders who want to unlock the power of HR to drive business results.
We will focus on the shift in the senior management and HR leadership mindset and resource allocation necessary for HR to become an indispensable source of business enhancement. The emphasis is on proactively determining the factors driving the success of your organization and then shaping HR activities and programs to support and enhance those factors. In the process you will need to analyze the internal and external business environment, articulate your new vision, and make some difficult choices about staff and programs. This program will fast-forward your thinking and assist you in initiating efforts in each of those areas.
Why should you attend: The cover of the Harvard Business Review recently declared "It's Time to Blow up HR and Build Something New." While this is not an entirely new theme, it is a persistent refrain. Why do business leaders, managers and academics continue to call for the demise of HR? A key reason, among many, is that it is believed that HR is merely an administrative function that provides no business value. If the HR function is to survive and ultimately thrive, its leaders need to identity the primary drivers of organizational success and engage in specific actions to support and enhance those drivers. Organizations who fail to do so will not achieve their desired level of performance. HR leaders who fail to do so will find themselves with diminishing responsibilities, resources and impact.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Defining HR strategy
- Identifying the drivers of business success
- Analyzing the internal and external business environment
- Describing the core strategic roles of HR
- Communicating your vision
- Executing your plan
Who Will Benefit:
- HR Directors
- HR and Management Consultants
- Business Owners
- Managing Partners